SEPTEMBER THROUGH MAY – No Open Gym through the Summer


Preschool Open Gym – $7
Wednesdays 9-10:30am

All participants are required to have a parent/guardian present


School Aged Open Gym – $10
Fridays 7-8:30pm

All participants must have a parent/guardian sign our open gym waiver. GymSport is not a trampoline park and all open gym participants are encouraged to work towards improving their gymnastics/tumbling skills during open gym time.

GymSport Gymnastics Parties are a fun and exciting way to celebrate your child’s birthday or for any party occasion including End-of-Season Sports Party, Scouts, Family Get-Together, Graduations, etc… What ever the reason, GymSport Gymnastics is the perfect place to celebrate!

The party begins with a warm-up activity and then launches into loads of gymnastics fun and games. They will bounce, run, climb, roll, etc… under the supervision of an instructor.

After romping through the gym, party guests gather together for the traditional opening of presents, birthday cake, and refreshments (provided by host) in the party area. This is as good as it gets. No worries about kids bouncing off the walls of your home and destroying furniture. Just tons of fun and games with a GymSport Gymnastics party. We even take care of the clean up.

Save the wear and tear on your nerves and the mess in your house by scheduling your next Party with us.

Parties are hosted on Saturday Afternoons. Friday times may be available (please call for availability / information) All participants will be required to have a completed release form on file.

Below you will find 3 options for party invites that include our party waiver form. Please make sure children have this signed prior to arrival.

Birthday Party Cost


1 hour in the gym with and instructor
1/2 hour in the party room
10 Participants ($6 for each additional party participants)
T-shirt for Birthday Child

Invite #1Invite #2Invite #3

Just want to use our upstairs space during open gym on a Friday night? No problem! Turn open gym into a party!

Pay a discounted rate of $7 per child and the use of the upstairs space for $30. 

Stay tuned! We will post community opportunities as they become available!